Friday, September 25, 2015

Jimmy's Home!!!!!!

Jimmy's home!!!
He will be speaking about his mission in church this Sunday, September 27th at 11:00am
He would sure LOVE to see you!!!

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
30522 Via Con Dios
RSM 92688

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I'm coming home!

Hello All!!!

This email will be short and sweet because I will see you next week :) It's bitter sweet for sure. Two years went by in the blink of an eye. I'm speaking in church about my mission on Sunday, September 27th at 11:00am. I hope you will all come. 

We are in Dumaguete right now for Zone Conference!

This Thursday Ruwena and Mikel will be married at the Hall of Justice! 

Friday we have a service project out in Macasilao. 

Saturday is Ruwena's baptism! I hope you can imagine  how excited I am. I love this mission. I love life.

I love all of you and am so grateful for your support for the past two years of my life. I am forever in debt to all of you. I am not the same person I was. My understanding has been expanded tremendously. Thank you for your part in my conversion.

I'll see you all next week :)

Elder Jacobs

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I will see you in two weeks.

How do I even start this email? Maybe the words, "Thank you"..? 
I love all of you. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. It was an incredible birthday to say the least. I'll explain more in a minute. Well, I might as well right now.

Okay, you all remember the not-so-interested girlfriend of a man whose family we have been working with for the past 8 weeks or so. 

Over the past few weeks she has grown to love the gospel and wants to be baptized and join the fold of Christ's true church. 

 But in order to be baptized, we need to be following the commandments (D&C 20:38 see also Moroni 6:1) - that includes the Law of Chastity which prohibits "living in" with your partner before marriage. 

Well, they saw that there needed to be a change. The problem is that marriages are SO difficult here in the Philippines with paperwork, money, etc. 

Well, long story short: Mikel, her boyfriend, went to the city hall last Wednesday, and talked to the judge of justice last Thursday, and they both went to the judge yesterday. SO MANY prayers were answered. SO MANY miracles were witnessed. They completed all of the paperwork they needed in one day. ONE. Yesterday!! My birthday. 

The judge said that they can be married this September 17th, 2015. Imagine my excitement when I heard this news last night. They are being helped by their family in order to get the money needed. And then... the icing on the cake. After showing my excitement about how soon the marriage date was, Ruwena replied, "Elder Jacobs, we want to have the baptism on the 19th so that you can baptize me before you leave us." September 19th is my last day in the field as a Full-Time Missionary. I couldn't believe it. I am BEYOND excited. Miracles are real. People love this gospel. It changes lives. I love being a disciple of Christ. I just love it.

In other news, we have a change of plans next week. Apparently, President would like to have a Zone Conference next week before so many of us go home! 

So... That means we are travelling all the way down to Dumaguete next week on the 15th and 16th. I hope the roads are not too flooded!!

Also, we have a new part member family that we are working with. A couple again! 

Same situation: Brother Philip hasn't been to church in a while but wants to come back. His wife, Sheena, is not a member but is SUPER interested. AHHHHH I don't want to leave! This area is SO amazing. I love San Carlos. The Branch's Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching is 100% organized now as well. I love seeing progress. Heavenly Father loves us. He does. I know it.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ. What is it? Why is it? I encourage you to study about that. I have for the past week and have been completely enlightened on the whole subject. My eyes were opened. Or.. Maybe more accurately.. The eyes of my understanding were opened :) I have a testimony that the Gospel is what we teach: Receiving forgiveness by exercising faith in Christ, repenting, being baptized, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and continuing in making and keeping sacred covenants until the end. It is also much more than those 5 principles and ordinances. 

D&C 76:40-43
"40 And this is the gospel, the glad tidings, which the voice out of the heavens bore record unto us—

 41 That he came into the world, even Jesus, to be crucified for the world, and to bear the sins of the world, and to sanctify the world, and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness;

 42 That through him all might be saved whom the Father had put into his power and made by him;

 43 Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of his hands"

I love life. I really do. Don't worry about me, I had a great 21st birthday. Came home and even had a cake with my name on it waiting on the table. Gotta love housemates. I love you all! I will see you in two weeks. I can't believe how real this is. "I conclude this [email], declaring that I have written according to the best of my knowledge, by saying that the time passed away with us, and also our [missions] passed away like as it were unto us a dream." And I love this dream :)

Elder James Ryan Jacobs

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My last MLC meeting...CRAZY!

Hi Family and Friends!
Well, we had another awesome week here in San Carlos! We were actually in Cebu for half the week so that was fun! For those that don't really remember, Cebu City is about a 4 hour trip from San Carlos. A two hour barge over the ocean and two hour drive on the other island. We had our Missionary Leadership Council again yesterday and... Wow...It's strange to think that was the last one for me :( It was amazing though.

Mom asked for every detail that I can remember from this last week. I can't promise I can't write EVERYTHING, but I'll try.

We had a full week of work here in San Carlos so it was amazing. I'll start on Friday. I went on exchanges with our District Leader, Elder Soriano. He is from Manila and is on one of the country's top 3 (I think) college basketball teams. I think it's USD? I'm not sure.

He is about 6' 4" and a super athletic Filipino :) I LOVED our splits. We had a great day of tracting in the wealthier side of San Carlos. What made everything worth it, was that we found a new investigator out of it.

We are going door to door "ayo-ayooo" and we happened to run into a friend of our kuyog! (Kuyog-member that works with us) and she straight up said, "If Ryan wasn't with you two, I probably wouldn't have let you in" hahaha. It was an amazing lesson and we are going back this Saturday.

Saturday morning we had a CSP (Service Project) at the Dapitan Family's house! It was AWESOME.

After that, I took E. Soriano back to Guihulngan ($20 to whoever can pronounce that right when I get home ;)...)

and then E. Witehira called and asked if we could pick them up in Cabagtasan because the Dunnes (Senior Couple) couldn't anymore. Well... Cabagtasan is about an hour and fifteen minutes away. And it. was. muddy. It is the most crazy road I've ever driven on. But beautiful.

After that, the sisters in our area had a baptism. Then we had a meeting with the Branch Presidency/Relief Society to organize Visiting Teaching. It was so awesome!! I am so excited for this branch. Everything really is getting organized.

On Sunday, our Branch President wasn't there so nobody knew
what to do for the combined third hour so they asked us to teach. We took the opportunity to give a workshop on Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching. It was AMAZING!! We focused on this central theme:

D&C 81:5 "Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees."
They all committed to do their Home/Visiting Teaching once they get their assignments this Sunday. I love seeing progression. It makes every hardship, burden, or trial worth it.

I love doing hard things because it teaches us to savor the easy things :)

On Monday we traveled. Funnnnnnn :) Started POURING down rain while we were getting a car wash. But the sun was still so bright. Only in the Philippines :)

Haha we did, however, watch an incredible CES Devotional by Elder Holland that night. It was titled, "Israel, Israel God is Calling"... New favorite.

Today, we traveled back. Woke up at 5 and started the journey. I am loving life. Don't worry one bit about me. I know that what I am doing every single day is exactly what I need to be doing at this time in my life.

I am not going to wish I am home even a single day sooner than September 23rd. I have a lot to do here and am going to complete it to the fullest. I know that Christ is here. I know that He is in this work. There is nothing in the world like Missionary Work. Nothing. The Spirit. The Miracles. The Joy. The Family. 
I love you all!
Elder Jacobs

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

This last Sunday, we had a SPARK!

Hello to all!

 We have a Mission Tour this week being held in Cebu with Elder Haynie of the Area Presidency. I am so excited! :) 
We will be in Cebu from Wed-Fri! 

So... We had transfer week last week! E. Jamil is now down in Tanjay to finish his mission. Elder Ioane, my new companion,  got here on Thursday to San Carlos. He is so awesome! Samoan :) He is going home this December so this may be his last area as well. In our house, it is me, E. Ioane, E. Cabuyadao, and E. Witehira! E. Witehira is in my batch to go home in September and just came out from the office. I LOVE him! I am so stoked to work with him for this last transfer! :)

We successfully operated on the car's air-con this last week. The filter was filthy so it wouldn't blow out any air! After a spray bottle, some drain cleaner, and lots of water, it works GREAT.

As I have mentioned in the past, work here in San Carlos is a little bit different than other areas of the mission. 

This is mostly due to the fact that it is and has been a district (not a stake) for a very long time now. 

We focus mostly on less-actives here. For the past 6 weeks we have been trying SO HARD to balance our work with members and investigators. We have seen success with our less-actives. Every week there are new less-actives coming back for the first time; however, since I have been here (6 weeks) we have had a total of I think 4 investigators come to church. All of which cannot be baptized any time soon due to circumstances (young kids, not married, etc). 

This last Sunday, we had a SPARK! We have been working with the Dapitan Family for about 3 weeks now. We were focusing on the two brothers who served their missions in California back in 1999-2002 ish... One of them, Mikel, has a wife that is very interested in the gospel!! Her name is Ruwena and she was first given a desire to listen when Mikel told her that, after years of in-activity, he was ready to go to church every Sunday starting now.

We met with Ruwena yesterday (Monday) and invited her to plan a baptismal service for this upcoming September 12. She is not ready as of now (100% normal - she's brand new), but she said if she can know for herself it's true before that date, she will be baptized on that day. Game on. I am so excited for her!! I know that she will love this gospel. I know that this is what she has been searching for her entire life. It just took until now for her to realize that.

We can learn so much from this story. We learn how much weight in a family rests on the head of the father. If he sets a good example, the family can be exposed to so much light and truth. We learn of the willingness of a righteous parent. Ruwena wants the best for her children and will do what she needs to do in order to protect them from the dangers of this world. We learn that this gospel can change lives for the better. It brings families together.. The Dapitan family is trying so hard to restore things to how they were. I love being on the mission. I just love it.

In other news, one of our sisters here in San Carlos got sick in the afternoon and couldn't even walk to get home. They were on the top of a HUGE mountain so they called us and we gave her a Priesthood blessing right there on the mountain. She received enough strength to get down to the car! Miracles are real. I know it. Mosiah 8:18 - "Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." I know that this "means" is the Priesthood. I am so grateful for the privilege I have of living worthy of the Priesthood I hold.

Thank you so much for all of your examples and emails! :) I love you all! Know that I am doing great and loving every day!

Love you!
Elder James Ryan Jacobs

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pure Craziness!!

Well, Let me just say that this week has gotta be down in the books somewhere as "World's Craziest Week in the life of Elder Jacobs"

On Monday, we traveled to Cebu for our Leadership Council. You knew that because we emailed last week in Toledo as we were "waiting for the barge to leave at 4pm". 

Well, that barge got canceled due to the storm. So did the 6pm barge. Not a big deal. We can stay at the ZL's house in Toledo for a night and then wake up early the next morning and catch the 7:30am barge, right? 

Apparently, wrong. The next morning, all travel was canceled. 

We were supposed to have our Zone Training Meeting at 10am that morning... That was not going to be happening haha. 

After waiting things a out a little bit, talking with President on the phone, etc. we decided to make a road trip out of it. 

We called South Cebu to make sure there were barges still crossing down there, they said they will go all day, rain or shine. 

We drove down to South Cebu to Bato, through Oslob.. About 4-5 hours.

 Got to the barge, long story short, got over to Amlan at about 6:30pm. Yayyy! We made it to Negros! That still left the long journey up to San Carlos. 

Driving on dark island roads......We ended up getting home around 10pm. It was an adventure, that's for sure.

On Saturday, we had our Zone Training Meeting... After that, a baptismal interview down in Vallehermoso. Oh, I woke up that morning with a fever of 39.5.... I'm pretty sure that's like 103.1 ish? That made for an awesome ZTM and rest of the day. We couldn't work haha. BUTTT when I woke up Sunday morning, no more fever!! :)

We went on splits Monday with the San Carlos 1a elders and then yesterday with the Canlaon elders. That was fun.. Haha back-to-back splits. It reminds me of double-header baseball games. I miss those days :)
We got transfer calls last night! E. Jamil will be transferring down to Tanjay for his last transfer! I will be training another Zone Leader here! Elder Ioane (Yoh-wan-ee). I am so stoked! 

So this is my last transfer before I go home. It is going to be an amazing last transfer, that's for sure :)

On our way home this morning from Canlaon, as E. Jamil was driving the truck, our front, right tire blew out. 

Stop, re-read, YEA! What??? It was the scariest thing I have experienced in a while. It literally exploded. And I wouldn't say that we were driving slowly... 

Everyone is okay, though don't worry mama :)

 I want to take this moment and AGAIN thank my father for everything he taught us growing up. 

Yes, we did have a jack, a wrench, and a spare tire.. It only took like 30 minutes! I guess that's not saying much though... Don't the race car people do it in like 30 seconds..?

Well, I hope you were able to follow that! It was a crazy week this last week! I loved every minute of it :)
These past two days on exchanges have taught me so much. I am so grateful for the opportunities I had to work with these two Elders. In both situations, I was able to give them priesthood blessings. They asked for comfort and counsel and I was so happy to be there to do that. I love the calling I have been given as a full time missionary. I love the assignment I have been given to look over, love, and protect those in my zone.

I love this. I love my life right now. I love working hard. I love doing hard things. I love seeing change in the lives of others. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love our Father in Heaven. I love Jesus Christ. I love Their plan for us. I love my family. I love prayer. I love the scriptures. I love being obedient. I love all of you!
Have an awesome week this next week!
Elder James Ryan Jacobs

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Short but full of love!

Hello everyone!!

I'm sorry I don't have very much time AT ALL!! We are traveling back from Cebu to San Carlos right now and are in a "lay-over" in Toledo... Hahah layover meaning we are waiting for the barge to get across to San Carlos.

This last week was unbelievably busy. We had Zone Interviews (my last one with President until my exit interview... whoa...), we had District Conference in San Carlos and had Elder Pangan preside, and we had MLC in Cebu yesterday (Tuesday). It was a very very busy week. Next week is transfer day, the week after we are going back to Cebu for Elder Haynie's "Mission Tour" from the 19-21th of August. It is so busy around here!!

I want to share something that Elder Pangan shared in a Youth/Single Adult session on Sunday morning... He quoted a prophet: "The will of God will not take you where the grace of God cannot protect you." Think about that for a moment. That is profound. Yes, we all go through hard things. But NEVER are we left alone. God's grace is sufficient for every need, for every struggle, for every act. I have come to understand how much we truly rely on Christ's grace. Every good act. Every deed. We are only permitted and strengthened by and through Him to act for good. Many times we just think that is just us choosing to do good, but in a very real way, Christ is just strengthening us in order to more follow Him and become His disciples.

I'm sorry, I'm out of time! I love you all so much! Thank you for everything!! Special shout out to Hermana Jordan Engle who will be returning with honor next week! :)

Love you all!!
Elder James Ryan Jacobs