Wednesday, January 28, 2015

There are only a few ways for us to get around here in the Philippines.

Hello Friends and Family!!

How is everyone doing?? From what I can tell, EVERYONE is doing so well at home!!!
Our cool ride.....
I am so happy to read that :) I am doing great here as well, outside the fact that I woke up with a 102 degree fever this morning! I haven't had a fever since I got here! Being sick is not the MOST fun time, but hey it'll go away, right? :)

There are only a few ways for us to get around here in the Philippines. Mostly we walk. In mud.

But sometimes we really get around in style. Like when about ten of us pile on a motorbike with a sidecar.......

Yesterday we had our Zone Interviews up in Cebu!
I'm pushing with one foot.....
I love love love the time that I get one on one time with President McCurdy. He is truly a man of God. And he loves everyone. I want to be just like him.

I apologize if this email isn't as long as previous ones, my brain isn't fully working right now. It's burning up. :(

Asisclo Taneo was baptized this last Saturday!!! It was such an amazing experience. I am so grateful for him and his example. Like I mentioned last time, I have never learned so much about my Savior than when I studied to help Siclo. He is awesome. 

We have a Stake Temple Trip coming up this next Saturday
as well and we are really trying to get everything taken care of so that he will be able to attend with us. It is so important that we help these recent converts get inside the temple as soon as possible. There is a spirit inside the temple that just cannot be found anywhere else. I love it.

On Saturday morning, we helped out at the church with a service project type thing. The Deseret Mabuhay Foundation conducted a free eye check-up, etc. for all those who wanted to come. 

Those who meet the requirements,  qualify for a FREE operation - sponsored by this LDS foundation. It was mostly for those with cataracts and other abnormalities (including cleft lip, etc.)... 

It was a fun experience! I worked with the doctor and took notes of what his diagnosis was. I would just write things like "ecce-os" meaning that they are going to do a laser operation on the left eye, and stuff like that! You could say that I'm basically a doctor now ;) I'll help ya out when I get home Danny ;)

Anyways, this was an awesome week! I can't believe January is already over.. This time is going by way way too fast! This next week we have MLC again on Tuesday! Should be another amazing week!

 I love you all so so so much!

Remember to smile and help someone else do the same :)

Elder Jacobs

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I love my mission. I love it every single day!

Good Afternoon to all my best friends and family members
who love me enough to read these emails each week:

The hardest thing in my weekly email is that very first line. 

How many variations can a person make of the same phrase?! If anyone has any ideas for future beginnings, they will be taken graciously. Haha.. "future beginnings"... that doesn't even make any sense. Isn't that a Young Women's Program that you used to do mom? Err.. I don't know haha I'm sorry. How am I gunna recover from this start..

Phew. Deep breaths.

No not deep breaths because I need to recollect my thoughts or anything like that.. I am literally struggling to breathe right now because of our run down to the beach this morning. Haha just kidding :) I loved it. Elder Consigna and I have been running every single morning since last week and I think he may or may not like me right now. Hahah he told me after the run today that he almost threw up three times and then he saw a bunch of white spots everywhere... I miss running :)'re it!!

This week was so awesome!! We had one baptism last week with Lilian Gantuangco! She was actually the other Carcar area's investigator, but because there was a lot that happened last month with not having companions and stuff, all of us just helped each other out in teaching her. 

Christian LapeƱa was also baptized that night! He is an 8 year old boy of a family that bishop was really working with. So awesome. 

This Saturday, Asisclo Taneo will be getting baptized as well!! I am beyond excited for this. Missionaries have been working with him for about 5-6 months and he has just never been 100% satisfied until the past few weeks. He has experienced a HUGE change. To give you an idea of his story, I'll refer you to his previous religion. It's called Iglesia ni Cristo. Translated, just means The Church of Christ. Based on the scripture found in Romans 16:16. They have very very similar beliefs as the LDS church which can present problems, but also opportunities. The biggest difference with this church and all others is that they believe that Jesus Christ was only a person. When I say he was only a person, I mean he had no part of God inside of him. They do not believe that Christ was, is, or ever will be, a God. He is "The Son of Man" as seen in the scriptures.
Pure JOY!!

I have learned more about my Savior Jesus Christ as I have studied to help Asisclo through his questions than I have at any other time on my mission. 

I feel like I understand the scriptures more - especially the Bible. The Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants have been absolutely crucial in helping him. He loves to read. He has SO many questions... Not to mention, very intricate questions... But he loves the answers he gets. He is humble and willing to think about the answers we find!

Asisclo is going to be an amazing leader in the Lord's Kingdom on Earth. His family will come along as well. They aren't quite there yet, but I know they will understand.

I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I know that no human sacrifice could have ever satisfied the demands of justice for a fallen world like ours. 

Become as a little child......(haha love the headlock!)
I know that Jesus Christ has a Father. They both have immortal bodies of flesh and bones. I know that they are united in purpose, perfections, and attributes. We need to understand who they are. 

Asisclo, now understands who his God is. He understands that the Father has given the fullness to His Son. And that we each in turn will receive of that fullness as we continue to carry out His will in our lives and into the eternities. 

The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is an amazing thing. It is not just a church. It is Eternity. I know that it truly is "Life eternal, that [we] may know [Him] the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom [He] hast sent."

I love my mission. I love it every single day! If you are up for a challenge, study to defend your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Testimony works wonders, but scriptures give understanding. 
Alma 34:9-14 gives a great start, but I encourage you to take your studies into the Holy Bible as well. I am so grateful for the knowledge that has been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I love that man and will always hold him in highest regard. He did what the Lord asked him to do. He was just a man, but was obedient to the Lord's direction to restore the church of Jesus Christ.

I love you all! Have an awesome week!!

Elder James Ryan Jacobs

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thanks for emailing me!!!

Hello All!!

First off, I'm sorry if this is short.. I got caught up replying to all of your
JIMBO!....That's ME!
wonderful emails this week. I love all of you so much and am so grateful for the support and encouragement you give. I love being here in the Philippines and it makes it so fun on Wednesdays to receive emails from friends and family :)

This week was great! I love this area. Carcar has helped me in ways I can't even describe. From the area completely different from home....., to the investigators we have, to the companions I've been blessed with, to the assignments I've been given, and the wonderful missionaries in this zone... I have learned a LOT.

One thing I have really been able to practice a lot is communication.

I remember in High School I always loved supporting friends in their individual sports. I had some very close friends on the volleyball team. I would do my best to send out a group text to everyone on the team a few hours before their games to support and encourage them and at the end of every single text I would put the phrase, "Remember: Communication is key."

Hahah I'm not going to lie, that was kind of (like 50%) just a joke.

 But know that I think back on it, communication is such a vital skill to learn in this life. Not only on the court, but in real life as well.

Should I take this personally???
Speaking of you think I should worry that the Mission President called me "LOSER JACOBS"?????

The assignment I have been given allows me to get to know and talk with lots of missionaries - both leaders in the mission and younger missionaries.

At MLC yesterday, we talked about the difference between "persuasion" and "coercion" and what we need to do to help. As leaders, those who follow you need to understand why they do what they do. The desire needs to come from inside each and every one of us, not just from someone telling you what to do.

 It relates on a bigger scale as well. In order to experience conversion, we have to be persuaded by the gospel, not motivated by threatening punishments, etc.

Anyways, I'm sorry.. that was a random tangent, but I just remembered a little part of high school and wanted to write about it :) I loved every day of high school and like to think back now on the lessons I learned there that have helped me here on my mission.

Eating out in the city!
We had MLC yesterday in the city and we have transfers coming up this next week. I have no idea what to expect. I am totally fine with staying a third transfer here in Carcar, but we'll see next week!

We never had a single normal week this last transfer. Every week it seemed as if there was either a storm or a hospital visit or a meeting in the city. It's been the busiest I have ever been in my life!

Okay well I gotta go, but I love all of you so much!! I honestly LOVE reading all of your emails. Thank you so much!! I love you!!

Elder Jacobs

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Wow... 2015. How?


I hope all of you had an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year. I cannot believe that it is already 2015, but hey life goes on! We have got to take advantage of all the time given to us to learn, have fun, and grow :)

Okay, I need to start all the way back to Christmas Day! The Skype was awesome! Love you, family!! You are all the best. Later that afternoon, we had John Ross and Jholiver's baptismal service! It was SO AWESOME!!! A very white Christmas in the Philippines :) 

Later that night, however, we had quite the adventure. Without going into too much detail, we had to take Elder Archibald to the hospital in Cebu. Yes, on Christmas night. I think the worst part is that everyone in the ER was wishing everybody who came in a "Merry Christmas" hahah so sad! 

Elder Archibald is okay, not an emergency in terms of time, he will just have to go in for a check up in a week or so. We were there from about 10pm to 4am. It was a party in Cebu City ;)

A few days later - I think Monday? - we had another storm pass through.
This is how we "shower".....
This one was... a wee bit stronger than the last. 

We had no electricity for a few days and we still have no agas (err... running water) at the house as of today. You could say that showering at the church is a must try :) 

Tuesday morning we woke up and were called by bishop to help at his father's house. They evacuated last night when the water reached their necks (my chest)... We got over there as quick as possible and shoveled mud and water out of the house and store, etc. I'm sorry, I don't have any pictures of that.. 

The bridge between Argao and Sibonga areas collapsed as well so transportation for our missionaries down there is a little..a lot..... slower than usual.

Sleeping accommodations during the storm.

When thinking of the New Year, there is always so much talk about "New Years Resolutions".. I wanted to share what I was thinking about on that! 

I thought about goals in general and why we have them. What is the purpose of a goal? What are our goals in life? Why? These are questions we should ask ourselves. 

One definition of a goal would maybe be: to accomplish something.
 Another definition that I thought of was to reach a certain level or to become something different. 

Many times, when people ask us what the purpose of our life is, we are very quick to respond with the answer: To get back to our Heavenly Father in the Celestial Kingdom, of course! I would encourage us to rethink this answer when we are setting our new goals for this new year. 

Why are we here? If it were to just get back to Heavenly Father, why would we have ever chosen to leave in the first place?? I believe that our purpose is a little bit different. We are here to become. We are here to become the Son or Daughter of God that can live AND enjoy the presence of our Heavenly Father. 

This is a blessing that not all can enjoy. We need to become - just as Christ commanded - as He is... Perfect. That can only be reached one goal at a time. Maybe one "New Years Resolution" at a time.. There are things we need to do. How can we become more like Christ?

One of my goals in this new year is to come to KNOW my Savior more. His life - including pre-, during, and post-mortal. We read that Eternal Life means to "know" God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I'm going to do my best to get a head start on Eternal Life. To really know my Savior.

 I am so grateful for the knowledge I have right now and am so thankful to have the opportunity to learn more every single day. I invite all of us to do the same. You don't have to pick the same goal as mine, but I would encourage us to make a goal with the "big picture" in mind. Sometimes, temporal goals (ie. financial) can help us accomplish our bigger goals as well (ie. self-mastery, temperance, etc.)... I know that all things are possible, so let's set some good goals this 2015 year :)

I love you all so so so much! Happy New Year and don't forget to wish my mom a Happy 40th birthday as well!! :)

Elder James Ryan Jacobs