Well, this week has been another one for the record book. Haha it was a pretty normal week on the mission, which means another full week of miracles, spiritual growth, laughing, crying, bleeding, you name it. Haha just kidding :) But really, it was awesome:
Wednesday to Friday morning - I went on exchanges with my District Leader, Elder Buck, down in Zamboanguita (however you spell that). It was great! I love going on splits with more dugay (...older?) missionaries because I am able to learn so much from them Even in such a short amount of time, there is always lots to learn.
We had some great lessons and found a few new potential investigators.
We also went a little out of our way and found a beautiful area for a hike!
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Just sharing the stream with a few friends........ |
But the real fun came on Thursday night. Sometimes - due to the incredibly advanced technology here in the Philippines - we experience what we call "Brown-outs".
Basically just when all the electricity shuts off for a little while.
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Just part of life in the Philippines! |
Don't worry, we always have candles, BUT that was kind of a long, sweaty night on a plastic bed without sheets. (Elder Buck's companion took his sheets??? WHO DOES THAT?!?).
Anyways, it was awesome.
Friday was normal. Except for the fact it was "Holy Week" here. Every single day there were some.. different cultural hor d'oeuvres/traditions that I have never read about in the scriptures... Friday night I promise there were 6,000 people walking down my street with candles in their hands. It was cool.... And creepy. ( side question: has that always been a thing or is it just not that big in America? I never had neighbors walking in the streets with candles where we lived in RSM!!! AND I tried to learn something about it in the Bible but could not find a single thing.)
I had the opportunity to talk to President Schmutz this week.
President and the AP's presented a couple workshops, then we each get to interview with President. It was amazing. I love that man. I am going to miss him so much when he leaves on the first of July. So this was the last time I am really going to be able to talk to President Schmutz one on one for more than 10 minutes :( All is well though and I am very optimistic about the future :)
Yesterday, we had a great experience. We were just travelling between a couple appointments we had and Elder Tavui and I met a man, started talking about the gospel, and found out that - because of it - his life will probably never be the same. Wow.. He is exactly what every missionary dreams of. He was prepared and ready to have the Gospel in his life!
Also, about 4 members from this branch left for the temple! One is a first time and two are a couple being sealed. That is a HUGE deal because we are so far out here that nobody can ever afford to get all the way to Cebu, but they figured it out! Love these blessings.
Today we have a zone activity at the church. I think we're just gunna play some games and stuff. I'm bringing my tennis ball and frisbee. And we have a volleyball as well. I'm stoked. It is like a potluck so we'll all bring something to eat as well. Not sure what anyone else is bringing, but Elder Tavui and I already pre-ordered our dog brain and pig intestine shakes. Should be a party ;)
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So delicious!! |
So typically when I share spiritual thoughts, they are from my personal study throughout the week. I share them not to preach or make anyone feel uncomfortable, but to give you all an opportunity to DO YOUR OWN STUDY and learn even more.
This week, I studied about the Light of Christ. This is going to be short with lots of scriptures. First of all, the Light of Christ is not our conscience - although it is very related.
When reading the scriptures it sometimes refers to the Light of Christ as many many different names, but it is referring to all that is good in the world. Every time a person thinks of doing a good deed or feels a prompting by the Holy Ghost, it comes by means of the Light of Christ.
One of our purposes in life is to learn to control our natural desires and become a saint (Mosiah 3:19). The way we do this is by constantly hearkening and obeying the commandments and allowing ourselves to have more capacity to reflect the Light of Christ in our own countenances.
The Light of Christ is not given to us - it resides with Christ - but is in, around, and through all things. We can reflect it as we live like the Savior. A great example is in Alma 19:6 with King Lamoni. D&C 93:28-32, 39 and Moroni 7:12-19 are great study scriptures if you're down for a spiritual monster of a study.
I know that, after we are baptized in the true church of Christ, receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and hearken and obey the voice of the spirit in all things, we can grow brighter and brighter until we arrive at that perfect day - when we stand before our Heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost to be judged. (see D&C 50:24). It is our purpose to reject the natural man and become a saint. As we do, we reflect the Light of Christ.
I hear so many times, both here and at home, the question: "Why are Mormons so bright and happy all the time? It's almost like they are literally glowing.." It's because they are. I can testify to anyone that "The Mormons" have figured it out. And we want to share it with anyone that will hear.
I love you all so much and I hope you can feel even just a little bit of the fervency in my testimony. I know this is true, but you need to find it out for yourself :) Love you and have an amazing week.
Elder Jacobs