Remember how I said last week that this week was going to be crazy..? Times my expectations by 2 and don't forget to carry the 1. I hope you like this update cause I sure did love this last week.
On Wednesday we went to the zoo!! Okay, well don't get me wrong... Don't be thinking San Diego Zoo. Or even Santa Ana... This was like Hemet Zoo - if there happened to be a zoo in Hemet.
Hahah yea, it was kind of a bust in terms of the animals, unless you like stuffed animals.....
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Paradise? Not so much...... |
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A little creepy? |
But the zoo was SO FUN because we got to hang out as a zone for the last time before transfers.
Friday - Zone Conference. It was President and Sister Schmutz' last conference with us :( So this was the last time that they could really speak to us as a whole in a workshop setting.
I have never felt so happy and sad at the same time. It was the saddest day ever because President and Sister Schmutz are leaving, but at the same time I am filled with gratitude for everything that they have done for me and for us in the Cebu Mission.
I know without any doubt (Apology in advance to all who have served, are serving, or will serve in another mission) that this is the best mission in the world and it is because of them.
The workshop was about everything imaginable. From school to marriage to careers to family to callings. It was amazing. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to learn from President and Sister Schmutz. I love them.
Saturday was my companion,Elder Rowley's, Birthday!!! Heyooo best birthday ever.
Eddie was baptized that morning and it went so well. His entire family came to attend the baptism and it was an experience I will not forget. Eddie is so ready and is going to be a great addition to the Siaton Branch as a Priesthood Leader.
After the baptism, we headed back to Dumaguete to attend the adult session of STAKE Conference! Eddie came with us as well. Elder Ardurn, of the Seventy, presided and it was so awesome. He is a character. We had a lot of fun with him and, at the same time, everyone was uplifted and edified by the Spirit.
We had to be back in Dumaguete again the next morning for the General Session of Stake Conference. I am so grateful to have been a part of this. Literally hundreds of thousands of prayers - over many, many years - were answered on this beautiful day as the Dumaguete District officially became a Stake in Zion. Oh and no AirCon in the chapel. It was.... HOT.
TRANSFER CALLS! They came in on Monday, as planned. It was a very exciting day for all of us. To make a short story shorter, I get to stay ANOTHER transfer in Siaton!! Haha this will make a total of 4 transfers, or 6 months, in this area. I am so excited and ready to get back to work! Elder Rowley is staying as well so I get to finish his training. And I got called as District Leader so this should be an exciting transfer - full of mighty prayer. I am so grateful for President and the trust he has put in me. I will do my absolute best to magnify this calling as I would any other.
And Joven was baptized last night! It was unbelievable how many people showed up to attend. The Spirit was SO STRONG! Joven is such a stud and was so happy that he finally was able to open the gate to the Celestial Kingdom as he entered the waters of baptism. He and Eddie will be confirmed this coming Sunday and will start now on their journey to the Temple - the very House of the Lord.
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My Awesome District! |
I hope even just a little bit of the awesomeness of this last week has been made evident through this email. I am SO GRATEFUL to have been able to experience the things I did. I love this life of discipleship I have chosen.
In light of this week, I want to share something that, although I have already shared in past emails, needs to be thoroughly understood by all of us.
The power of Christ's Atonement is a real, true, accessible power.
We sometimes call this the Enabling Power - or Grace - of Jesus Christ. We receive this power as we live according to the commandments wherein we have been given, and sincerely ask for it in our prayers . In Jacob 4:7 we read that we are shown our weakness that we may know that it is only by the grace - or enabling power - of Christ that we are able to do these things.
I know that, without this real power, I would not have been able to accomplish half of the things that we were called to do this last week. I know that this is one major factor which sets "Mormons" apart from the rest of the world. We know and understand that through Christ anything is possible to the faithful and obedient.
Brothers and Sisters, let us be faithful. Let us truly understand why things are as they are in this life and in the next. I can testify that as we do this, our perspective will change to that of an eternal aspect. We can all, as Peter says know the "end [or outcome or result] of our faith" and know without a doubt that we will live again with our Father in Heaven.
I love you all so much and I hope that today - if we haven't already - we will truly start to utilize this power that Christ has made available to us. We will be lifted spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
I love you all! I hope you have an amazing week cause I know I sure will. I am so grateful to be where I am. I am so grateful to be given the privilege to stay in Siaton for at least one more transfer. I know there is something I still need to accomplish here and I will obediently and diligently find it. Let's ALL go out and make someone's week :)
Love you!
Elder Jacobs