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It was so cool in so many ways! First off, to see someone from home was the best feeling ever. And then we spoke in Tagalog, Visaya and English and had a great time! |
Check out my Facebook post (or my mom's) to see more about our visit!!
Just thought I'd make that clear from the get-go. Okay, now on to the week!
Last Wednesday, we had lunch at the Sabado Family's house with the zone! It was so awesome. Delicious.
Today, we have our zone activity of making/eating/slurping cookies and shakes at the Mission Home. I'm stoked.
We went on exchanges with the Busay elders again so I went out and worked in Busay yesterday!
It was.... Busay gihapon :) SO bukidnon! It's just out in the middle of the mountains!
I worked with our District Leader, E. Snyder and it was amazing. This is his last transfer out in the mission. I have known him and have learned so much from him throughout my mission!
We had a Philippines Area Broadcast this last Sunday. It was streamed from SLC and it was SO good. I'm not sure if you can see it online, but if you can... Please watch it! You will get a taste of who these Filipino people really are. You will be able to gain a glimpse of why I love them so much.
Angel Caballero is still on track and doing so well! Her scheduled baptism is this June 27th. She is so fun to teach! She is so smart and knows exactly what she wants: To be baptized, strengthen her family, and in a few years serve a mission.
I have been thinking about a quote by Brigham Young recently that I want to share.
It goes as follows: "Study to apply your labor to advantage and you will accomplish much more without wearing yourselves out so fast." I love this. It applies in ALL walks of life.
I want to share one of my family's mottoes:
You can do HARD things.
It is so important for us in this life to do hard things. Trials are not bad! Stop thinking your are getting punished because you have so many trials! If we don't have trials, we don't progress. It's one way that we gain the capacity to climb to higher ground.
When thinking about this quote by Brigham Young, I learned so much. I learned that it is truly success when we learn how to make accomplishing hard things effective AND efficient.
Yes, I'm sure we could all walk around in the heat all day trying to find people to help/teach/etc.; however, the real success comes as we learn how to turn a "hard situation" into an easier one. We learn how to work to our advantage. It is then, and only then when we become able to do more good in a given amount of time. It is then when we learn how to "use our time wisely."
Mormon exhorts his son, Moroni: "My beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently; for if we should cease to labor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God."
The question should not be, how much I can wear my self out, but rather how much good can I do while in this life.
I love you all! I'm sitting in this Internet are writing this!!
Have an awesome week! Let us continue to labor diligently. Pray to Heavenly Father with all purpose of heart - with all the strength that you have - that He will strengthen you.
I promise that, if we can do our part, He will always be there ready to give us more faith, hope, love, virtue, knowledge, patience, humility, diligence, obedience, etc. Just apply the promise in Moroni 7:48 and substitute what you desire for the word "love".
I promise it works because I've experienced it too many times to deny. I know that this gospel is true. And that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and love us. I know that Joseph Smith restored this gospel and that the vessel of the gospel in these latter-days is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Thomas Spencer Monson is a true and living prophet of God. If we but follow him, we will be guided by the hand of our Savior into our Father's Kingdom.
I love you all and hope you can feel that from all the way over here :)
Elder Jacobs