Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Hard" is an important part of life. Accept hard. Work through hard. Make "hard" a challenge that will not beat you.


So my mom sent me this picture and asked if I was drowning!!!

MOM!!!! I'm fine!!! The floods are normal. I can't even count the times I have walked in water up to my knees (in the middle of the street) but it's good and makes for great adventures.

 Most of the time, when a flood hits, we go to members' or investigators' houses and ask if we can help bail water out of their houses. They are okay though. Because it happens so often, it's kinda just part of life so they don't get mad or discouraged or anything.. Just tired.

I love these people. They focus on simple things in life like family. They don't need too much to be happy!

Okay, this was an awesome week. 

We had lots of meetings in regard to what is called the iPEACE Interfaith Religion Festival that is being held this week. 

There were 4 zones and 3 stakes involved. What happens is basically all the religions in the surrounding areas come and set up booths and invite everyone to learn - (basically what our wonderful church does every day). We had different zones scheduled for the different days. Central Zone (ours) was yesterday so from 3-9pm we were at Plaza Independencia talking to EVERYONE. 

I can't even explain how tired I was last night.
Cleaning up after the festival
We helped the Assistants take the materials back to the mission office after and then did our best to get home as quickly as we could, but wow... that was a long day. 

And I loved it :)

The streets after the festival. Crazy.

But this week I actually wanted to write a little more specific letter today for those who are planning on serving missions and those who already are. 

About something that I have learned that I can't imagine not understanding as a missionary.  It's all about mission life. 

I was studying a few days ago in Preach My Gospel and found two sentences that got me thinking:

1) "You should not, however, become discouraged; discouragement will weaken your faith. 
2) "When you have done your very best, you may still experience disappointments, but you will not be disappointed in yourself."

Under the topic of "A Successful Missionary", I found these two sentences super super insightful. 

So I did a study on them. When searched in the Topical Guide, "Discouraged" reads "See also Afraid", meaning that these two words are closely related. I thought about it and realized that's so true..

 After being rejected 5 times, naturally, we wouldn't want to try again for fear of just being rejected a 6th time; therefore, we feel discouraged. 

A mission is hard. I don't know how many times I have said that in my emails, but it's so true! The difference here is that we understand that WE NEED TO DO HARD THINGS. We cannot go through our mission or our lives shrinking from HARD things. 

One of my favorite all time scriptures is Section 122 in the Doctrine and Covenants. Verse 7 reads: 

And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness,and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience,and shall be for thy good.

IF WE ALLOW IT, all things will be for our good.

 I then went on to study a little in Alma 26:

Verses 29-30: And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have also entered into their temples and their synagogues and taught them; and we have been cast out,and mocked, and spit upon, and smote upon our cheeks; and we have been stoned, and taken and bound with strong cords, and cast into prison; and through the power and wisdom of God we have been delivered again.  And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.

I love this. That is my life every single day. Well, I'll be honest.. I haven't been smoted upon (sp?), stoned, or cast into prison. 

As missionaries, we have every reason to be discouraged, but instead, we CHOOSE to have faith. We choose to keep going to find that one soul. It's a choice. And that's where our attitude comes in. One thing I have learned is how in control we are of our own attitudes. So be happy!! Why would anyone not want to be happy?!

This is what I gained in my personal studies: Satan won't be stopping any time soon - what matters is that we start to accept his role in the Plan. We need to stop asking ourselves why these trials or hard things come into our lives. We need to understand their purpose and their importance.

 Brigham Young has an amazing quote that I LOVE!

"Do not imagine that I am in the least finding fault with the Devil. I would not bring a railing accusation against him, for he is fulfilling his office and calling manfully; he is more faithful in his calling than are many of the people."

"Hard" is an important part of life. Accept hard. Work through hard. Make "hard" a challenge that will not beat you.

Disappointment is a negative part of life - especially mission life - but that doesn't mean we let Satan win and let this disappointment negatively affect us. 

I know and have a testimony that Satan is doing exactly what he needs to.
We just need to fulfill our part and prove to our Heavenly Father that we can win the battle. 
I know that each and every one of us has the power to do this. I know that, no matter how hard, boring, or stressful a situation may be on the mission, or in school, or in life, we have the power to control our attitude. 

So let's do it! I know that we have the BEST reason to be happy! We have the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ!! I love it. And I love all of you. Keep on doing what you know you need to be doing... And let's do it with a good attitude :)

Elder Jacobs

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What in the world happened to MY HAIR?

Magandang Tanghali Everyone!!

Haha so my Mom wrote and said "What in the world happened to your hair (or lack of...)
Funny story so I'll share it really quickly.

We went to the hair cutter place (English word?....oh ya....barber) a couple weeks ago... 

Before this, I didn't really like how short they always cut my hair. They call it a 2-4 and it's basically what they just do if you come in and say you want a haircut.

 So this time I got in and he asked what I wanted. I decided to give him more direction.....I answered something along the lines of "definitely NOT a number 2 on the sides". 

So he says okay and starts trimming the top and stuff. Looks good so far. 

Then, he starts on the sides. After about 2 cuts I ask him, "That's not a 2 is it?" and he answers, "no way... 1.5..." 

Ughhhhh hahahahaha I'm not exactly sure what happened in the translation, but he just figured I meant anything short, just not a 2? Not really sure. But I'm alive and never looked more gwapo ;) haha..... It'll grow fast Mom!

Elder Cube on the right...never mind the photo bomber!!
So I want to tell companion is AMAZING!!

 I love Elder Cube! No, not cube. It's like Kobe - as in Kobe Bryant... 

He is such an awesome missionary and I can tell that this is going to be one amazing transfer. 

He speaks Tagalog!! As you may or may not have got from my greeting at the beginning of the letter, I am making him teach me Tagalog! We speak Cebuano here in the mission. 
Tagalog is the National Language so everybody knows how to speak it... except me... yet...but I will soon :)

Elder Cube is a hard worker. The BEST kind of companion to have!

Jessica got baptized almost just as planned! Haha she was supposed to be baptized on Saturday night, but then Bishop asked if we could move it to Sunday morning because there was a Single Adult Activity that night!
So Jessica was fine with it and actually went to the activity in Lahug! She didn't know how to get there, didn't have anyone to go with, but she went anyways! She said it was the most fun she's had and when she got there, it turns out she knew almost everyone!! I love this church! So Sunday morning, before church, she was baptized! So awesome!!

Looking forward to 50 more people cramming on this bus.....
We have an event coming up called "Walk for Peace" in our zone's area. It is a week long celebration of religions. I'm still not exactly sure what we do, but it should be more clear tonight, after we meet with the Mission President! I LOVE planning events. Reminds me of home!!. I do know that we will be having booths and missionaries will be assigned to work so it should be super fun!

This past week I was studying on the subject of Faith. 

I started studying about what it is and how it got introduced to the world in the first place. I realized something interesting. 

In the beginning stages of the world, Adam's posterity had faith in God - however, it is interesting to trace back to the source of their testimonies. 

Adam was the only one (with a few exceptions including Cain) who had a pure and concrete knowledge of God. He walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden. The Fall did not cause him to lose the knowledge he had. As he started his mortal life, he preached and taught his posterity about God. ALL of the knowledge that these early people had came through the medium of Adam - they heard him teach and believed his words. So, in a sense, their faith was just in the testimony and teachings of one man. 

I was thinking about how much this relates to each and every one of us. Our faith in God - at one point or another - was rooted in the testimony of another person. Maybe our parents. Or maybe that friend who introduced the Gospel to you.

But we have to get to a place where we have faith because of OUR OWN KNOWLEDGE AND SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES. There is very little power in faith if it is rooted through another person. Our faith has to be our own because of our prayers and experiences with our Heavenly Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ..

 The amazing part of this gospel is that Heavenly Father gives us a way to know for OURSELVES. 

I have been able to experience this first-hand. And you can too. REALLY!! Read the Book of Mormon. Pray to know if it is true. You will get an answer. I know that we can come to know and understand the truth through the medium of the Holy Ghost. I know that, as we do our part, we will be blessed with witnesses and manifestations of truth. I know that we can get to the point in our life where our faith is not rooted in the testimony or teaching of a person, but centered in the Lord himself. I know that this is the first step in order for us to be able to exercise this faith unto Salvation and Exaltation. Let's start now and work on getting our own testimonies.

And now it's time for my delicious dinner........
I love you all soooo much! And miss you all! But I am sooooo happy where I am right now. I love this gift of life. I just pray that more will start to see the big picture and act accordingly. Have an amazing week!! Love you!!!

Elder Jacobs

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I didn't necessarily know exactly what to expect for a birthday on the mission!

HELLO!!! I love you all!

Okay, where do I even want to start......I feel like this past week, I got to taste a little bit more of what the Celestial Kingdom must feel like. It was honestly I think one of the best, if not THE best weeks of my life


On Friday Hero and Riza Alidon were married!!

We got permission to go with them down to Minglanilia for the ceremony. 

It was done by a judge and Elder Buque and I were asked to be witnesses. That basically means you get to stand next to them during the ceremony and then you sign the license thing after. 

I was SO happy that day. This family has been so patient and so willing to do whatever they need to do in order to be baptized. 

All in all, it was a great day - with an even better day coming next!

Saturday....oh man.....I think it was one of the longest days I've had on the mission. 

Water. Everywhere. Every single day.
Elder Buque and I walked EVERYWHERE and we were just not getting let in ANYWHERE. 

But, it was the excitement we both had for later that night that kept us going. 

We couldn't wait for Hero, Riza, and Anthony to be baptized! 

Seven o'clock comes around and we start the baptism.

 It. Was. Amazing. The spirit was so strong. 

This cute little family of 5 has just truly started down a journey that will literally
change their life for eternity. They know and understand how important it is that they are sealed in the temple one year from now. 

I love my calling. I love being able to share truths that change peoples lives for the better. What is more rewarding than that??

So, I'm not gunna lie, I didn't necessarily know exactly what to expect for a birthday on the mission.....

but if every birthday was like it was Monday, I would be down to have the rest of mine here in the Philippines. 

It was Sister Dreu's (sister in our zone) birthday as well. 

 Little did I know, the other members of my wonderful zone were sneaking in and setting up the other room! Long story short, Sister Dreu and I walk in and there are TWO HUGE CAKES with our names on them sitting on the table and everybody is singing happy birthday!! 

I don't think I've ever really had a cake with my name on it so... that was awesome. 

(This is Mama Jacobs....Jimmy certainly HAS had birthday cakes with his name on them but obviously they were not as memorable!!! Everything is BETTER on a mission!!)

Anyways, we stopped by the mission office to take care of a few things and said a personal happy birthday to President McCurdy as well!

Later on in the day, we actually got invited to Family Home Evening at the Osumo's house. 

They are in the Sikatuna Ward, but I have gotten close with them as well.  We got there and they had COSTCO PIZZA for us to celebrate!! There is a place here called S&R that sells all Kirkland Products as well. That was an amazing surprise. 

Anyways, after that, we got called over to Bishop's house for a quick dinner. Get to the end of dinner and.... Yep! You guessed it.....Another cake with my name on it!!! Okay, am I in Heaven?? I love these people!!! I honestly feel like I'm just at home here. Best. Day. Ever.

 And to top it off, I got mom's package as well!! I LOVE the books. Thank you so much!!! Been reading/studying during all my free time.

We were invited to attend the sealing on Tuesday of a family that Elder Buque taught at the beginning of his mission. They were sealed as a family in the Cebu Temple yesterday. This was by far on of the most spiritually impacting experiences I have had since being here. I cannot begin to explain the feelings I felt yesterday as I saw three little angels dressed in white come to join their parents at the alter. I love this gospel. 

I realized something yesterday and today that really hasn't sunk in for me until now. 

The purpose of being sealed in the temple. Why is that so important?

We are sealed as families in the House of the Lord so that, when we arrive in the Celestial Kingdom, we may claim our family as ours. It is what links this family chain together.

HOWEVER, it does not guarantee us our inheritance in the Lord's Kingdom.  I realized today the important relationship between the two ordinances. The purpose of our personal temple ordinances/covenants is to get us to the Celestial Kingdom. Once there, if we have been sealed as a family, we can claim what is rightfully ours - our family.

Brothers and Sisters! Families! I hope you can feel a little bit of just how much this means to me. It is everything to me. 
I hope that we can all get the point in our life where this Gospel of Jesus Christ becomes REAL. 

There is nothing more real than this, but many people are so quick to forget. We need to slow down and really think about the purpose of our life here on earth. 

I know that the temple is the House of the Lord. It is only within those walls that families are sealed together for eternity. Our loving Heavenly Father wants ALL of us there. I love my family. I am so grateful that I have been blessed with the parents and siblings I have. I know that we will live with each other throughout eternity.

Love you all so much!! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Whoa.. I'm 20.. Weird.

Elder Jacobs

P.S. Shout out to Sis. Dayley!!! Thanks for taking cake and balloons to my Mom on my birthday! That was awesome!