Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My last MLC meeting...CRAZY!

Hi Family and Friends!
Well, we had another awesome week here in San Carlos! We were actually in Cebu for half the week so that was fun! For those that don't really remember, Cebu City is about a 4 hour trip from San Carlos. A two hour barge over the ocean and two hour drive on the other island. We had our Missionary Leadership Council again yesterday and... Wow...It's strange to think that was the last one for me :( It was amazing though.

Mom asked for every detail that I can remember from this last week. I can't promise I can't write EVERYTHING, but I'll try.

We had a full week of work here in San Carlos so it was amazing. I'll start on Friday. I went on exchanges with our District Leader, Elder Soriano. He is from Manila and is on one of the country's top 3 (I think) college basketball teams. I think it's USD? I'm not sure.

He is about 6' 4" and a super athletic Filipino :) I LOVED our splits. We had a great day of tracting in the wealthier side of San Carlos. What made everything worth it, was that we found a new investigator out of it.

We are going door to door "ayo-ayooo" and we happened to run into a friend of our kuyog! (Kuyog-member that works with us) and she straight up said, "If Ryan wasn't with you two, I probably wouldn't have let you in" hahaha. It was an amazing lesson and we are going back this Saturday.

Saturday morning we had a CSP (Service Project) at the Dapitan Family's house! It was AWESOME.

After that, I took E. Soriano back to Guihulngan ($20 to whoever can pronounce that right when I get home ;)...)

and then E. Witehira called and asked if we could pick them up in Cabagtasan because the Dunnes (Senior Couple) couldn't anymore. Well... Cabagtasan is about an hour and fifteen minutes away. And it. was. muddy. It is the most crazy road I've ever driven on. But beautiful.

After that, the sisters in our area had a baptism. Then we had a meeting with the Branch Presidency/Relief Society to organize Visiting Teaching. It was so awesome!! I am so excited for this branch. Everything really is getting organized.

On Sunday, our Branch President wasn't there so nobody knew
what to do for the combined third hour so they asked us to teach. We took the opportunity to give a workshop on Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching. It was AMAZING!! We focused on this central theme:

D&C 81:5 "Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees."
They all committed to do their Home/Visiting Teaching once they get their assignments this Sunday. I love seeing progression. It makes every hardship, burden, or trial worth it.

I love doing hard things because it teaches us to savor the easy things :)

On Monday we traveled. Funnnnnnn :) Started POURING down rain while we were getting a car wash. But the sun was still so bright. Only in the Philippines :)

Haha we did, however, watch an incredible CES Devotional by Elder Holland that night. It was titled, "Israel, Israel God is Calling"... New favorite.

Today, we traveled back. Woke up at 5 and started the journey. I am loving life. Don't worry one bit about me. I know that what I am doing every single day is exactly what I need to be doing at this time in my life.

I am not going to wish I am home even a single day sooner than September 23rd. I have a lot to do here and am going to complete it to the fullest. I know that Christ is here. I know that He is in this work. There is nothing in the world like Missionary Work. Nothing. The Spirit. The Miracles. The Joy. The Family. 
I love you all!
Elder Jacobs